Thank you for your interest in the Virginia Travel Guide. The guide is the VTC’s primary consumer fulfillment piece, published each year in January. It contains comprehensive information about Virginia’s travel destinations and attractions as well as listings of restaurants, accommodations and many other travel services.
Did you know?
- Print plays a valuable role in consumers’ complex, multi-media path to decision-making.
- Approximately 48% of consumer travel research is done through printed guides.
- 75% of travel guide users say the guides are important when making destination decisions.
- Demographics of print users:
- Millennials/Gen Y 45% ; Generation X 36% ; Baby Boomers 32%
- Skews female
- Household Income $100k
Advertise in the Travel Guide
Contact one of the following LeisureMedia360, Inc., representatives:
- Nell Wichmann, 757-570-4462 — Coastal & Richmond
- Jo Diedrich, 540-580-8767 — Mountains, Southern & Northern Regions
- Terri Reynolds, 540-597-7568 — Listings & Lodging Co-Ops
Order Bulk Publications – 2024 Travel Guide, 2024 Golf Guide, campground directory or bumper stickers.
For all other Travel Guide questions, contact Sarah Ann Atkins.
¹Destination Analysts, 2018 and 2021